The addition of a fixed 30m fly jib adds necessary boom clearance for taller components up to 110m.
Seeking Optimal Efficiency, Offshore wind components are getting bigger, heavier and taller. HLP is adapting to ensure these huge components are handled efficiently. The HLP180 has been specifically designed with the next generation of offshore components in mind. HLP Engineers have ensured the crane can get closer to the lift than any crane before us by utilisation of the HLP180F full-capacity fly jib, allowing the next generation of lifting to be achievable today. XXL Jackets can be easily handled with component heights over 110m, and a lifting capacity exceeding 3500t at 51m.
Boom 94m
Fly Jib 30m
Ballast 6000te
Footprint 40m Dia.
Full Capacity Wind Speed 14m/s